Holy Mary, blessed Mary, mother and virgin, virgin before giving birth, virgin after giving birth! I, for my part, marvel how a Virgin [i.e., Christ] is born of a virgin and how, after the birth of a Virgin, the mother is a virgin. Would you like to know how He is born of a virgin and, after His nativity, the mother is still a virgin? [After the Resurrection Scripture says,] “When the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them.” There is no question about that. He who entered through the closed doors was neither a ghost nor a spirit. He was a real man with a real body. Furthermore, what does Christ say? “Touch Me and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.” He had flesh and bones, and the doors were closed. How do flesh and bones enter through closed doors? The doors are closed, and He enters, whom we do not see entering. How has He entered since everything is locked up? There is no place through which He may enter. Nevertheless He who has entered is within, and how He entered is not evident. You do not know how His entrance [into the house] was accomplished, and you attribute it to the power of God. Attribute to the power of God, then, that He was born of a virgin and the virgin herself after bringing forth was a virgin still. – St. Jerome
Church Announcements:
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- ACTS Lecture:
- GYP Meeting:
- Men’s Meeting:
- Young Families Spiritual Day:
- Coptic Club Retreat:
- Nativity Play:
- Bible Pleasure:
This Week’s Schedule: