“‘But who to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!’ (Gospel Reading, Mk. 13:17). One must not believe that the Lord was drawing our attention to the burden of pregnant women when He said, ‘Woe to those who are with child.’ Instead, He wanted to demonstrate the heavy weight of souls filled with sins, a weight which prevents them from escaping the storm of wrath stored up for them, whether they are on the roof or in the field...’Woe to those who nursing.’ This warning is meant to show the infirmity of souls who were being taught to know God as though they were being nursed. But in fact they only had a weak foretaste of the knowledge of God and were deprived of the strength which comes from the perfect Food. The Lord’s woe therefore is said to the souls themselves who are too weighed down to escape the antichrist or too weak to face him becaue they had not been avoiding sin and because they had not been fed with the true Bread. Therefore, we are admonished to pray that our flight does not take place in the winter or on the sabbath. In other words, let us not be found in the coldness of our sins or in the absence of good works.” – St. Hilary of Poitiers
Church Announcements
- No Liturgy this Saturday (1st Saturday of the Month)
This Week’s Schedule
- Monday:
- Midnight Praises: 7:30-9:00pm
- Tuesday:
- Bible Pleasure at 7:00pm
- Wednesday:
- Liturgy: 8:00-10:30am
- Vespers: 7:00-7:30pm
- Thursday:
- Liturgy: 7:30-10:00am
- Friday:
- Liturgy: 8:00-10:30am
- Saturday:
- Hymns Class: 5:00-6:00pm
- Sunday School: 6:00-7:00pm
- Vespers: 7:00-7:30pm.
- Midnight Praises: 7:30-9:30pm
- Sunday:
- Liturgy: 7:30-11:00am
- Liturgy: 7:30-11:00am
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