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Weekly Newsletter | March 28 – April 6


Both of these cause us to lose our salvation: placing our courage in our [own] goodness and losing our hope when we fall in wickedness. This is why Paul, to protect those who remain in goodness, said, “Let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed in fear that he fall.” And again, “I am afraid that, after preaching to others, I myself should be disapproved.” In order to lift up those who are found fallen in wickedness and to excite them to greater readiness, he bore testimony to the Corinthians. He wrote to them, “I may have to mourn over many of those who sinned before and have not repented” (2 Cor. 12:21). In this way, Paul revealed that sinners gain greater pity than the unrepentant.  And the prophet Jeremiah said, “Shall not he who falls raise, or he who turns away, shall he not turn back again?” Hence, as long as the “today” is said let us not despair but have good hope in the Master. Let us recognize the vast sea of His philanthropy. – St John Chrysostom

Readings & Sermon:

Church Announcements

  • Elementary Movie Night:
    • Friday, April 2nd (6:30-8:00pm)
  • Jr. High Lenten Retreat: (April 9-11)

  • Liturgy Registration System

This Week’s Schedule

  • Tuesday:
    • Liturgy: 10:00-1:00pm
    • Bible Pleasure at 7:30pm (Church Facebook and in-person)
  • Wednesday:
    • Liturgy: 10:00-1:00pm
  • Thursday:
    • Liturgy: 9:00-12:00pm
  • Friday:
    • Liturgy: 3:00-6:00pm
  • Saturday:
    • Hymns Class: 5:00-6:00pm
    • Sunday School: 6:00-7:00pm
    • Vespers: 7:00-7:30pm.
    • Midnight Praises: 7:30-9:30pm
  • Sunday:
    • Liturgy: 7:30-10:30 (by registration)

Church Facebook Page
